"Half of this ... is ninety percent mental."
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Saturday, 16 May 2009
C1FR3 51 L173R3 ....
e incredibil, dar dupa primele cuvinte descifrate, poti citi, ...
0D474 1N7R-0 21 D3 V4R4, 574734M P3 PL4J4 0853RV4ND D0U4 F373 70P41ND 1N N151P, 151 D4D34U 53R105 1N73R35UL C0N57RU1ND UN C4573L D3 N151P CU 7URNUR1, P454J3 53CR373 51 P0DUR1. C4ND 3R4U P3 PUNC7UL D3-4 73RM1N4, 4 V3N17 UN V4L, D157RU64ND 707UL, R3DUC4ND C4573LUL L4 0 6R4M4D4 D3 N151P 51 5PUM4…. M-4M 64ND17 C4 DUP4 4747 3F0R7, F373L3 V0R 1NC3P3 54 PL4N64, D4R 1N L0C D3 4574, 4L3R64U P3 PL4J4 R424ND 51 JUC4NDU-53, 51 4U 1NC3PU7 54 C0N57RU145C4 UN 4L7 C4573L; M1-4M D47 534M4 C4 4M 1NV4747 0 M4R3 L3C713: D3D1C4M MUL7 71MP D1N V1474 N0457R4 C0N57RU1ND C3V4, D4R C4ND M41 74R21U UN V4L V1N3 51 D157RU63 707, C3 R4M4N3 3 D04R PR1373N14, 6R1J4 51 M41N1L3 4C3L0R4 C3 5UN7 C4P481L1 54 N3 F4C4 54 5UR4D3M.
D4C4 1L C173571 41 3M15F3R4 57164 D32V0L7474.
0D474 1N7R-0 21 D3 V4R4, 574734M P3 PL4J4 0853RV4ND D0U4 F373 70P41ND 1N N151P, 151 D4D34U 53R105 1N73R35UL C0N57RU1ND UN C4573L D3 N151P CU 7URNUR1, P454J3 53CR373 51 P0DUR1. C4ND 3R4U P3 PUNC7UL D3-4 73RM1N4, 4 V3N17 UN V4L, D157RU64ND 707UL, R3DUC4ND C4573LUL L4 0 6R4M4D4 D3 N151P 51 5PUM4…. M-4M 64ND17 C4 DUP4 4747 3F0R7, F373L3 V0R 1NC3P3 54 PL4N64, D4R 1N L0C D3 4574, 4L3R64U P3 PL4J4 R424ND 51 JUC4NDU-53, 51 4U 1NC3PU7 54 C0N57RU145C4 UN 4L7 C4573L; M1-4M D47 534M4 C4 4M 1NV4747 0 M4R3 L3C713: D3D1C4M MUL7 71MP D1N V1474 N0457R4 C0N57RU1ND C3V4, D4R C4ND M41 74R21U UN V4L V1N3 51 D157RU63 707, C3 R4M4N3 3 D04R PR1373N14, 6R1J4 51 M41N1L3 4C3L0R4 C3 5UN7 C4P481L1 54 N3 F4C4 54 5UR4D3M.
D4C4 1L C173571 41 3M15F3R4 57164 D32V0L7474.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Friday, 8 May 2009
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Monday, 4 May 2009
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Friday, 1 May 2009
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